Testing Physical Machines with kitchen-static (Part 2)

Testing on Physical Machines - Part 2 After introducing how to work with physical machines and Test Kitchen last time, we will look at a feature to allow central orchestration of available machines.

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Testing Physical Machines with kitchen-static

Testing on Physical Machines with kitchen-static This article shows how to work with Test Kitchen on physical machines using the kitchen-static Driver. If you need to deliver a product (bundle of server and software) instead of just configuration, some ta

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Linked Clones with kitchen-vcenter

Linked Clones with kitchen-vcenter Quickly starting new Test Kitchen machines is one of the main concerns for getting the desired feedback cycles in cookbook development. While machines get created as a full clone by default, the kitchen-vcenter driver of

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The kitchen-ec2 Driver

The kitchen-ec2 Driver Within the Chef ecosystem, Test Kitchen is one of the most useful tools. It offers the possibility to quickly test cookbooks in different OS environments on machines with a limited lifetime. That way, you can check if your fancy rec

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Airgapped Testing - VMware Edition

Recently, I got a bug report for the kitchen-vcenter driver, which allows lifecycle management of testing VMs on VMware vCenter environments. Apparently, a customer tried to create a VM without any network interface. The problem was that this crashed in a

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Guest Operations and kitchen-vcenter

Guest Operations and kitchen-vcenter In this part of the blog series, we will look on how to speed up IP discovery of new machines with a little-known feature of the VMware Tools.

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