Data Discovery

Der Beitrag Data Discovery erschien zuerst auf ANIGMA - Information Excellence.

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Data Warehouse Data Lake

Der Beitrag Data Warehouse Data Lake erschien zuerst auf ANIGMA - Information Excellence.

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European Workshop in Drug Design 2024 in Siena: Meet the BioSolvers

The European Workshop in Drug Design 2024 takes places in the beautiful City of Siena. The event takes places from May 19-23 2024 in Certosa di Pontignano (Siena, Italy). The 14th workshop of the series promises a breathtaking panorama of the city of Sien

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Data Visualization

Der Beitrag Data Visualization erschien zuerst auf ANIGMA - Information Excellence.

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A Gaze into Chemical Space Series

Introducing our latest series, A Gaze into Chemical Space, where we explore the expansive realms of combinatorial compound collections. Our aim in this exercise is to uncover similar compounds of potential and approved drugs using various methods. Typical

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