European Workshop in Drug Design 2024 in Siena: Meet the BioSolvers

The European Workshop in Drug Design 2024 takes places in the beautiful City of Siena. The event takes places from May 19-23 2024 in Certosa di Pontignano (Siena, Italy). The 14th workshop of the series promises a breathtaking panorama of the city of Siena from a monastery complex situated in the heart of Chianti and Tuscany. Attendees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Italian hospitality and engage in highly interactive hands-on case studies. The topics range from structure-based design of small molecules, molecular dynamics simulations, machine learning & deep learning, next generation pharmacophore modeling, in silico toxicology and the prediction of adverse outcomes, as well as case studies from industries. The BioSolveIT participates at this event together with Filomena Perri (Principal Scientist) and Justin Holowachuk (Senior Sales Director). Engange with them and discuss emerging topics gaining momentum in drug discovery as well as BioSolveITs solutions to prominent discovery areas like: Chemical Space exploration and navigation Fragment- and structure-based drug discovery Compound ideation Improvement of physicochemical properties including potency and ADME parameters and many more You can read more about the event following this link to the official website of the European Workshop in Drug Design.

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Pole Workshop | Thema: Lyrical Pole

Wir machen einen Pole Workshop zum Thema "Lyrical Pole". In diesem 2-stündigen Workshop tanzen wir zu einem emotionalen Song eine Choreo mit lyrischen Tanzbewegungen an der Spinning Pole. Stattfinden wird der Workshop am Samstag, den 23. März 2024 von 13:

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Upcoming events 2024

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Podcast Meet Up in Stuttgart

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AMBrosia by Ambinter Divine Access to Billions of Compounds

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