Deep Dive into DynamoDB streams and the Lambda integration

You have probably seen architectures that use DynamoDB streams to perform change data capture on tables and Lambda functions to process those changes before. Today, we’ll do a deep dive into the underlying technology and explore how we can configure and tweak this configuration to our advantage.

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Getting a near-real-time view of a DynamoDB stream with Python

DynamoDB streams help you respond to changes in your tables, which is commonly used to create aggregations or trigger other workflows once data is updated. Getting a near-real-time view into these Streams can also be helpful during developing or debugging

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Implementing accurate counters in DynamoDB using Python

Counters can be used in all kinds of situations like gathering statistics about websites or billing systems. In this post we’ll dive deep into ways you can use DynamoDB to implement atomic and accurate counters using examples in Python.

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Why I had to update my mental model of DynamoDB streams

In a recent training I learned something about DynamoDB streams that surprised me. I had expected that any PutItem, UpdateItem or DeleteItem API call would cause a record to appear in the stream of my table, but that’s not the case. The stream works

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Complexity costs: Read performance for nested DynamoDB items with different Lambda configurations

DynamoDB allows us to store complex data structures and deeply nested objects, but this complexity isn’t free. In this post we take a look at how different Lambda configurations impact the read times from boto3. We examine how different resource con

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Simplify your code and save money with Lambda Event Filters

In this post I’m going to explore how the new event filters in AWS Lambda can be used to implement the data model for a video streaming website in DynamoDB. I’ll explain why this feature makes your code simpler and allows you to save money in

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