DevContainers on Windows without Docker for Desktop

A while ago, Docker changed licensing terms for their Docker Desktop product. As a result, many companies cannot use Docker for free anymore, which impacts using VSCode DevContainers. In this blog, I will show you how to solve these licensing issues by using VSCode with WSL and podman instead.

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Speed up Docker Image Building with the CDK

When building docker images with the CDK you might notice increasing build times on subsequent invocations of cdk synth. Depending on your setup, there might be a simple solution to that problem - using a .dockerignore file. In this post I’m going t

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R can not be pushed in Production - deprecated!

Running Shiny on Fargate Some guys still thinking R cannot be used at scale or only in a limited way. I still do not understand the reason why people are like this. Since my last post about AWS Batch, which is a Docker-based service within AWS, which enab

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Building a Fargate-based container app with Cognito Authentication

In this post I’m going to show you how to use Cognito User Authentication in combination with a Docker app running in Fargate behind an Application Load Balancer and we’re going to build all this with the Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Why would

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Windows Installations-Medien für EC2 als Snapshots

Wenn man mit Windows-basierten EC2-Instanzen arbeitet, kann es hin und wieder vorkommen, dass man bestimmte Windows-Services nachinstallieren muss … und dann fehlt einem die DVD … Glücklicherweise hat Amazon AWS alle Windows Installations-Me

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Virtual Desktop: Update ermöglicht Quest-Handtracking auf dem PC

Ein neues Update für Virtual Desktop bringt Hand-, Körper-, Gesichts- und Augen-Tracking von Quest-VR-Brillen auf den PC. Der Beitrag Virtual Desktop: Update ermöglicht Quest-Handtracking auf dem PC erschien zuerst auf MIXED.

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