Donation to the Goethe Corona Fund of the Goethe University and Frankfurt University Hospital

With a donation check of 100,000 euros, BIOMEX supports the Hopp Children's Cancer Center The idea of ​​the Goethe Corona Fund originated during the first days of the pandemic: Researchers should be supported immediately and unbureaucratically through donations so that they can make their contribution towards overcoming the covid crisis. Combining forces and providing competent help more than 2000 private individuals, foundations and companies have now involved themselves in supporting this goal. Since the Goethe Corona Fund of the Goethe University has made an important contribution to research surrounding SARS-CoV-2 with great success, those responsible now feel particularly committed to international solidarity. Considering this, urgent support for the covid emergency assistance towards India was called for at the suggestion of the scientific community on the Riedberg campus. BIOMEX has responded to this call and is supporting covid emergency assistance for India. You can find more information about this here: COVID emergency assistance for India. GO BACK The post Donation to the Goethe Corona Fund of the Goethe University and Frankfurt University Hospital appeared first on BIOMEX.

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