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BIOMEX is a leading provider of human biospecimens & comprehensive services for the diagnostics and life sciences industries

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Support of Intact

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Donation for earthquake victims in Nepal

Donation for earthquake victims in Nepal The devastating earthquake of April 2015 sparked a wave of helpfulness. We provide assistance through Future for Nepalss children e.V. You ca

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Donation to the Goethe Corona Fund of the Goethe University and Frankfurt University Hospital

With a donation check of 100,000 euros, BIOMEX supports the Hopp Children's Cancer Center The idea of ​​the Goethe Corona Fund originated during the first days of the pandemic: Research

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With a donation check of 100,000 euros, BIOMEX supports the Hopp Childrens Cancer Center

With a donation check of 100,000 euros, BIOMEX supports the Hopp Children's Cancer Center February 2022 We would like to thank BIOMEX GmbH very much for this outstanding donation, wh

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