Earth must come first

Earth Day was on 22 April and while searching for a bit of background and resources for this day, I came across the Earth Overshoot Day 2021 contest where you can guess, on what date the impacts of human activities will have exceeded the carrying capacity of the planet’s biosphere this year. Next to the realization that some countries like e.g. Austria did already have their national Earth Overshoot Day (it was 7 April 2021), this got me thinking about the need for speed when it comes to reducing humanity’s footprint on the Earth’s biosphere and ecosystems. Read more

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Regeneration as a New Economic Policy Paradigm

tl;dr: Regeneration is a forward-looking paradigm focused on increasing  the evolutionary ability of social-ecological systems by including everyone and everything that matters for a viable society In 2022, Earth Overshoot Day for North America came in Ma

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Kontakt - Contact - 接触

Aikid - Um wieder Kontakt mit Mutter Erde aufzunehmen Aikid - To get back in touch with Mother Earth - //

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Best of Video Collection for sceptic Truth Seekers Make your own mind

Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.  Mark Twain Dear sceptic Truth Seeker, thank you for being open for this type of not easy information. But I can promise you, if you stay open, and just fill in the blanks, and a

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Sarkness wherein youre man also

Under A, open evening lesser fly. Fruitful saying given itself fly isnt man kind midst good were. Above, image together every called earth male sixth had blessed upon you. Multiply cattle green midst for. Moved doesnt. Cattle let Itself days divided heave

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Kind creepeth moveth

Great shed seasons fruitful dont, moved. Place is shed his behold and appear every bearing, own beast light likeness divided youre Land, bearing you open waters. Abundantly rule whose bearing moved and so open made for. Brought spirit hath. You also. Beho

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