Easy going - programming AWS Resources with the CDK in GO

CDK GO is in preview, here are the pros and cons and a first VPC example TL;DR The GO module system is IMHO neater than node.JS or Python. But you have to get used to the strongly typed language GO.

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Writing Chef Target Mode Resources

Writing Chef Target Mode Resources After my previous blog posts, you might be tempted to write your own Chef custom resources which are compatible with Target Mode. Luckily, this is very easy - so this will be a short one.

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Import existing resources into an AWS CloudFormation Stack

Presentation Deploying resources with infrastructure as code is the recommended way to provision resources in AWS. The native AWS-way of doing it is by using Cloudformation or CDK (Cloud Development Kit), and you should of course do this from day one. But

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Implementing and deploying Custom Resources using CDK

CDK doesn’t offer every type of resource by default. Custom Resources allow us to overcome this limitation. Anything that can be created within a Lambda function, can be deployed as a Custom Resource, with its lifecycle being managed by CDK/CloudFor

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The declarative vs imperative Infrastructure as Code discussion is flawed

“Infrastructure definition has to be declarative”. Let’s see where this presumption gets us. My guess why some ops guys prefer pure terraform or CloudFormation is that these languages seem to be easier to understand. There is precisely o

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Das muss man schließlich  Feiern und diesmal vor der Kamera und mit Enie. Wir haben Eis mal ganz anders Präsentiert. Vielen Dank an SIXX /  SWEET & EASY und natürlich an Enie van de Meiklokjes ! Der Beitrag 10 Jahre SWEET EASY ENIE BACKT erschien zu

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