Enforcing encryption standards on S3-objects

Encrypting objects at rest is a best practice when working with S3. Enforcing this with policies is not as trivial as you may think. There are subtle issues with default encryption, which may result in compliance risks. We’re going to investigate these issues and show you how to solve them.

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Build a Site-to-Site IPSec VPN with Public Encryption Domain

When setting up IPSec VPN connections between different companies, the connecting parties often require the tunnel to use public IP addresses as the encryption domain. Especially when establishing a connection to telecommunication partners, the usage of p

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Automating ACM Certificates with Serverless Framework

Automating ACM Certificate creation with the Serverless Framework Encryption is the basis for secure communication in our modern world. For most web applications this boils down to using HTTPS to encrypt traffic between the client and server. HTTPS or the

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Teaching boto3 to store floats and datetime objects in DynamoDB

In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can teach the DynamoDB Table resource in boto3 (and the client) to store and retrieve Python’s datetime and float objects, which they can’t do natively. We’ll also discuss why you should or

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Plugin Update: DesignToolBox v2.20.3.0 from Atelier Bump

Changes for v2.20.3.0 are:- Adds support for Max 2025- Position tools: fixes objects positioned in an unexpected order- Code optimization, faster startup

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Target Mode with Serial Devices

Target Mode with Serial Devices Usually, you will work with SSH or WinRM to connect to remote nodes and configure them. Those standard protocols bring along all the perks of a modern network connection: Encryption, Authentication, File transfers, etc But

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