Build a Site-to-Site IPSec VPN with Public Encryption Domain

When setting up IPSec VPN connections between different companies, the connecting parties often require the tunnel to use public IP addresses as the encryption domain. Especially when establishing a connection to telecommunication partners, the usage of public addresses is often mandatory and ensures that there are no overlapping addresses across other connections. In this blog post, I would like to show you how you can leverage tools like pfSense and VNS3 in combination with Terraform to build a Site-to-Site IPSec VPN connection between AWS and on-premises networks with a public encryption domain.

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Multiple Site-to-Site VPN Connections in AWS Hub and Spoke Topology

When setting up an IPSec VPN connection between your AWS network and your corporate data center, the fully-managed AWS Site-to-Site VPN service is a popular choice that often comes to mind. AWS Site-to-Site VPN offers a highly-available, scalable, and sec

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Automating ACM Certificates with Serverless Framework

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