Multiple Site-to-Site VPN Connections in AWS Hub and Spoke Topology

When setting up an IPSec VPN connection between your AWS network and your corporate data center, the fully-managed AWS Site-to-Site VPN service is a popular choice that often comes to mind. AWS Site-to-Site VPN offers a highly-available, scalable, and secure way to connect your on-premises users and workloads to AWS. In this blog post, I would like to show you how you can go beyond a simple, static AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection by leveraging dynamically routed Site-to-Site VPNs in combination with a Transit Gateway. This hub and spoke network setup will allow us to employ the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) as well as equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP) and AWS Global Accelerator to not only exchange routing information between AWS and the corporate data center automatically but also increases the overall VPN throughput and reliability.

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Build a Site-to-Site IPSec VPN with Public Encryption Domain

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var kinoheldEframeSettings = { cinemaPath: 'site/cinemaGroup/shows', baseUrl: '', cid: 'NTA5MDQ,NTM1NzA0', rb: true, floatingCart: true, layout: 'shows', layouts: 'mov

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