Firebase Cloud Messaging with MatriX XMPP SDK

We get a lot of requests on howto use the MatriX XMPP SDK with Google Firebase Cloud Messaging. The following are the settings for your XmppClient object The XMPP domain is: The hostname is: It looks like there are no SRV records in place, this is why you need to set the hostname manual and disable SRV record lookups Firebase does not support XMPPs StartTls feature and requires to initiate a TLS connection. This is how we have done it in the old days when the protocol still was called Jabber. The OldStyleSsl property takes care of this in MatriXs XmppClient. Firebase is using a non standard XMPP port, because no SRV records are in place we have to set port 5236 manual in the code the username is your Firebase Sender Id and the password is your server key. You find them in the Firebase portal under Settings => Cloud Messagging the contact list and presence feature is not require. So we can disable it by setting AutoRoster and AutoPresence to false XmppClient xmppClient = new XmppClient { XmppDomain = , Hostname = , Port = 5236, ResolveSrvRecords = false, OldStyleSsl = true, Username = YOUR_FIREBASE_SENDER_ID , Password = YOUR_FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY , AutoRoster = false, AutoPresence = false }; xmppClient.Open(); You can find a basic example also here in our GIT repository: See also:

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