XMPP websocket connection manager

For a new project I am working on (more to be announced) I was looking for a standalone websocket connection manager. Because still many public and private XMPP servers offer only the TCP transport or BOSH. There are already existing projects websocket connection managers. But I ran into some issues with them for my current use case. Usually I am not trying to re-invent the wheels ;-) After WebSocket support came to DotNetty which one of the latest releases, and MatriX vNext of course having full support for XMPP XML streams and clients I was considering creating my own proxy. So it took only a 90 minute flight to come up with a working solution. I would not consider this solution as production ready yet. But the current design using DotNetty and MatriX vNext can support this at high scale. When you are interested you can checkout the project on GitHub here: https://github.com/matrix-xmpp/xmpp-websocket-proxy

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Firebase Cloud Messaging with MatriX XMPP SDK

We get a lot of requests on howto use the MatriX XMPP SDK with Google Firebase Cloud Messaging. The following are the settings for your XmppClient object The XMPP domain is: gcm.googleapis.com The hostname is: fcm-xmpp.googleapis.com It l

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XmppDotNet announcement

I want to announce the availability of the XmppDotNet XMPP library. XmppDotNet is the new name and next generation of our MatriX vNext XMPP library. Why changing the name? It was never intended to keep vNext in the name forever. And there is a lot

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MatriX vNext 2.0 released

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MatriX XMPP SDK available for .NET Core

The MatriX XMPP SDK is also available for the .NET Core now. You can get it from NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/MatriX.NetCore/ It passed all our internal tests and QA, but its still marked as a pre-release until we collected some more f

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Neues Kursangebot Family IN Connection ab August 2024

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