FOSS-Update: basysKom contributions to the OpenAPI Generator

Over the last months basysKom contributed a number of improvements to the OpenAPI Generator project. OpenAPI as a standard provides a structured way to define, implement, test and maintain REST-like APIs. Continue reading FOSS-Update: basysKom contributions to the OpenAPI Generator at basysKom GmbH.

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Qt Quick and Swagger/OpenAPI a tutorial

We take a close look how to generate Qt specific code from Swagger/OpenAPI and explain how to integrate the generated code with a Qt Quick Application. Continue reading Qt Quick and Swagger/OpenAPI a tutorial at basysKom GmbH.

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Introducing the RiveQtQuickPlugin Powerful Animations For Your QtQuick Applications

Rive is a popular tool for vector animations. While the editor itself is a closed source commercial product, there are FOSS implementations for the player runtime. basysKom has developed a QtQuick integration based on the rive-cpp library. This article in

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Awesome :-) The basysKom Toolbox

We would like to introduce our basysKom Toolbox to you. It is a state-of-the-art collection of best practices in agile management and software development and a valuable tool for every kickoff meeting. Come and visit us on the Embedded World 2020 and take

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OPC UA support in Qt 5.11 Release

OPC UA is a central element of the Industry 4.0 story providing seamless communication between IT and industrial production systems. basysKom has initiated Qt OPC UA in 2015 with the goal of providing an out of the box Qt API for OPC UA. In 2017 basysKom,

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Introducing QtOpcUa

basysKom has been working on the new Qt module QtOpcUa which brings support for the industrial communication standard OPC UA into the Qt world. We recently have offered this module as a contribution to the Qt-project. It is currently under review, we aim

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