basysKom GmbH | Innovative Software Engineering Services

Wir entwickeln plattformunabhängige Applikationen für vielfältige Plattformen. Wir setzen auf Qt, Flutter, Angular, Azure,... . Wir entwickeln Anwendungen im Kontext von Anlagen, Maschinen und Geräten im weiten Feld zwischen Smart-TV, Infotainment, Messgeräten und CNC-Fräsen. Aus Überzeugung setzen wir offene Standards und Open Source für eine nachhaltige Produktentwicklung ein.

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Hello, RHI How to get started with Qt RHI

For some time now, Qt has been internally utilizing RHI (Rendering Hardware Interface), a new cross-platform technology for graphic rendering. Since Qt 6.6, this API has been semi-public, meaning that the API is mature for practical use but may still be s

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RiveQtQuickPlugin now with Text Support

The RiveQtQuickPlugin has now integrated the latest rivecpp version. We've implemented rendering support for rive text elements. We ensured seamless text rendering compatibility across both software and hardware-backed renderers. Explore our latest blog p

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Embed Rive in your QtQuick applications

Learn how to use Rive within Qt and Qt Quick. Rive is a tool (and file format) that enables you to create interactive vector animations. With the RiveQtQuickPlugin, you can effortlessly load and display Rive animations within your QtQuick projects. In thi

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Qt OPC UA Data Type Code Generation

The type system of OPC UA permits the creation of complex and nested data types. With the merge of the generic struct decoding and encoding feature, the Qt OPC UA module has greatly improved the comfort of handling such types. But for large projects with

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Generic Struct Handling is Coming to Qt OPC UA

OPC UA servers often use structured data types, for example when they are implementing a companion specification or exposing custom structured data types from a PLC program. Up to now, Qt OPC UA was just returning a binary blob when reading such a value a

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Introducing the RiveQtQuickPlugin Powerful Animations For Your QtQuick Applications

Rive is a popular tool for vector animations. While the editor itself is a closed source commercial product, there are FOSS implementations for the player runtime. basysKom has developed a QtQuick integration based on the rive-cpp library. This article in

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OPC UA Reverse Connect for open62541

"OPC UA Reverse Connect" is a special connection mode in which the traditional roles of clients and servers during connection establishment are reversed - the server is responsible for initiating the connection to a client. This mode is intended for criti

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Qt OPC UA news catch up

It has been a while since the last blog post covering Qt OPC UA news. This short update will outline what we have primarily worked on in 2022. Continue reading Qt OPC UA news catch up at basysKom GmbH.

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Customer Showcase: OPC UA@Weinig

basysKom supported the WEINIG Group during the development and implementation of the WWCS while using OPC UA and the open62541 stack: a customer showcase. Continue reading Customer Showcase: OPC UA@Weinig at basysKom GmbH.

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FOSS-Update: basysKom contributions to the OpenAPI Generator

Over the last months basysKom contributed a number of improvements to the OpenAPI Generator project. OpenAPI as a standard provides a structured way to define, implement, test and maintain REST-like APIs. Continue reading FOSS-Update: basysKom contributi

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Flutter FFI Plugins How to use open62541 in Flutter applications

In this blog we explain how to provide OPCUA open62541 as a ffi plugin to Dart and use it in Flutter. We highlight the pros' and give you the cons. Continue reading Flutter FFI Plugins How to use open62541 in Flutter applications at basysKom GmbH.

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Announcing the umati Dashboard-OPC UA-Client

The umati community did its first open source release of the "umati Dashboard OPC UA Client". To support this effort basysKom has worked with the umati community and ported the client to the open62541 OPC UA stack. Continue reading Announcing the umati Da

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Qt 6: How To port Shader Effects from Qt 5

In this blog post, we give you a step-by-step guide on how to port shader code you might have in your Qt 5 application to Qt 6. Continue reading Qt 6: How To port Shader Effects from Qt 5 at basysKom GmbH.

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Qt Quick and Swagger/OpenAPI a tutorial

We take a close look how to generate Qt specific code from Swagger/OpenAPI and explain how to integrate the generated code with a Qt Quick Application. Continue reading Qt Quick and Swagger/OpenAPI a tutorial at basysKom GmbH.

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What is Apache Avro compared to Protobuf

Apache Avro is a framework for data serialization by Apache Hadoop. It is mainly used in big data processing but how does it compare to protobuf? Lets take a look. Continue reading What is Apache Avro compared to Protobuf at basysKom GmbH.

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