RiveQtQuickPlugin now with Text Support

The RiveQtQuickPlugin has now integrated the latest rivecpp version. We've implemented rendering support for rive text elements. We ensured seamless text rendering compatibility across both software and hardware-backed renderers. Explore our latest blog post for a demonstration video and to learn about more rendering enhancements. Continue reading RiveQtQuickPlugin now with Text Support at basysKom GmbH.

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Introducing the RiveQtQuickPlugin Powerful Animations For Your QtQuick Applications

Rive is a popular tool for vector animations. While the editor itself is a closed source commercial product, there are FOSS implementations for the player runtime. basysKom has developed a QtQuick integration based on the rive-cpp library. This article in

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Theme Demo

Style Demo h1 Heading h2 Heading h3 Heading h4 Heading h5 Heading h6 Heading This is bold text This is bold text This is italic text This is italic text Deleted text This is text with inline math $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} 2^{-n} = 1$ and with math blocks: $$ \

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Konzeption Text 1 Text 1 Text 1 Text 1 Text 1 Der Beitrag SAPBasis_Konzeption erschien zuerst auf BLUE STEC.

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Embed Rive in your QtQuick applications

Learn how to use Rive within Qt and Qt Quick. Rive is a tool (and file format) that enables you to create interactive vector animations. With the RiveQtQuickPlugin, you can effortlessly load and display Rive animations within your QtQuick projects. In thi

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Support für b-OX Classic eingestellt

Wie angekündigt (hier und hier) wurde der Support für die ältere Version unserer Cloud-Plattform b-OX, die Sie unter cloud.b-ox.de erreichen, zum 1. Januar 2024 eingestellt. Das bedeutet, dass wir auf etwaige Störmeldungen und Supportanfragen nicht mehr a

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