Fraser Perring accuses Adler Group of serious manipulations

A negative report by Viceroy, the company of British investor and short seller Fraser Perring, has caused Adler Group’s shares to suffer the biggest one-day loss in their history. The papers of the real estate company fell on Wednesday by about 26 percent to 10.00 euros. Investors are concerned with the allegations and the company’s liquidity, a Barclays analyst said. Among other things, Viceroy accuses Adler of having artificially inflated its balance sheet. The real estate company is also suspected to pull money out of acquired companies. Adler denied the allegations. However, BaFin is taking the report seriously and examining the allegations. The stock has been in turmoil before. Earlier this week, the board responded to investor criticism of the real estate groups high debt level. The SDax-listed company said it was initiating a fundamental review of its strategic options for action. This could also mean selling a large part of the approximately 70,000 apartments in Germany. As a result, the share recovered somewhat from its previous setbacks on Monday. Perring is known as one of the first critics of Wirecard, the payment processor that collapsed in an accounting fraud scandal. Written by: Matthias Eberle, October 2021 Sources: Manager Magazin, Tagesschau Der Beitrag Fraser Perring accuses Adler Group of serious manipulations erschien zuerst auf akboerse.

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