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Should the Corona vaccination be mandatory?

The Corona Incidences are rapidly rising in Germany and also the hospital capacities are almost depleted completely. While a few months ago leading politicians clearly stated that there will not be a vaccine mandate, by now some politicians already withdr

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Mannheim Alumni vs Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz: Inflation, Debt, Fiscal and Financial Policy

Many of you will know him: Hans Werner Sinn, ex-IFO president and one of Germanys best- known and most renowned economists. After his basic training in economics in Münster, he came to Mannheim, where he earned his doctorate and eventually his habilitati

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Black Friday Sale: -2.3% on Wall Street

Wall Street’s S&P 500 index dropped by 2.3 percent on Friday. As if we hadn’t seen enough of the color red on billboards and social media in the past few days in connection with Black Friday promotions, the new coronavirus variant has also caused red

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JP Morgan challenges domestic banks over German Mittelstand

While many banks started moving assets and employees to Frankfurt after the Brexit, JP Morgan has a special status. Not only has it moved its headquarters in continental Europe to Frankfurt. Additionally, the US-American bank will be part of the five larg

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Telekom Settled

After 20 years Telekom decided to settle with their petitioners, over 16.000 in number. Surprisingly, the amount that Telekom offers each claimant is almost identical to demands of the original 12.000 suits, only a small part of the interests will not be

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Wirecard Scandal: Is Markus Braun ex-CEO wrongly in jail?

If you would like to learn more about the Wirecard-Scandal make sure to also check out our Podcast with Dr. Max Steiger on Spotify! For many years, Wirecard AG was considered a pioneer of digitalisation, innovation, and Germanys future as a financial cent

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N26 leaves the US market

A few months after the withdrawal from their UK business in April 2020, N26 decides to leave the US market from the 11 January 2021 on. This is a rather surprising decision for a company just recently valued about eight billion Euro. Only two years ago, G

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German monthly inflation rate increases up to 4.1 %

Since the beginning of this year, the monthly inflation rate is permanently going upwards and reached a historical high in September with 4.1% as first assumptions indicate. The last time that such a tremendous price increase occurred in Germany, was in D

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Insurtech’s new unicorn

„Finanzen Group “, subsidiary company of “Allianz SE”, acquired in 2019, is going to be merged with german start-up, “Clark”. As Allianz is becoming Clark’s biggest shareholder, though not having a majority of voting rights, Clark is becoming a unicorn. B

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Fraser Perring accuses Adler Group of serious manipulations

A negative report by Viceroy, the company of British investor and short seller Fraser Perring, has caused Adler Group’s shares to suffer the biggest one-day loss in their history. The papers of the real estate company fell on Wednesday by about 26 percent

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