Insurtech’s new unicorn

„Finanzen Group “, subsidiary company of “Allianz SE”, acquired in 2019, is going to be merged with german start-up, “Clark”. As Allianz is becoming Clark’s biggest shareholder, though not having a majority of voting rights, Clark is becoming a unicorn. Both companies have similar business concepts, offering their users a better overview and comparison between different insurance providers as well as managing one’s own contracts more easily. Finanzen Group will be fully integrated in Clark, as for compensation Allianz receives mainly shares as well as cash, provided by the other shareholder, including Tencent, White Star Capital, Yabeo as well as Eldridge and Kreos. Concerning their investment strategy, Allianz stated, that they are in it for the long run and do not perceive themselves as short-term investors, moreover they announced to actively support Clark’s growth and expansion, in comparison to Finanzen Group, Clark is not as broadly positioned in Europe, so far. Written by: Tobias Steiner Source: Wirtschaftswoche Der Beitrag Insurtech’s new unicorn erschien zuerst auf akboerse.

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