JP Morgan challenges domestic banks over German Mittelstand

While many banks started moving assets and employees to Frankfurt after the Brexit, JP Morgan has a special status. Not only has it moved its headquarters in continental Europe to Frankfurt. Additionally, the US-American bank will be part of the five largest banks operating in Germany by assets from next year onward. For decades a strong foothold in areas like equity capital markets and M&A has been a constant for the firm. In the past, companies like the SAP-spinoff Qualtrics or the online fashion retailer Mytheresa conducted their IPOs in New York with the help of JP Morgan. Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, wants to use this international expertise to win over the German Mittelstand for its Corporate Banking division now. This is part of a broader initiative to serve European companies in their home countries as well. At the start of 2019, JP Morgan hired over 60 bankers for this task and a special team was created. It has to be seen whether they can succeed over Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank on their home turf. Written by: Moritz Icking Sources: Handelsblatt: “Die Bankensysteme warden überall kleiner – Jamie Dimon stimmt Banken auf mehr Konkurrenz ein” (November 2021), FAZ: “Frankfurt ist auf jeden Fall ein Gewinner” (March 2021) Der Beitrag JP Morgan challenges domestic banks over German Mittelstand erschien zuerst auf akboerse.

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