Telekom Settled

After 20 years Telekom decided to settle with their petitioners, over 16.000 in number. Surprisingly, the amount that Telekom offers each claimant is almost identical to demands of the original 12.000 suits, only a small part of the interests will not be paid back. As even the legal fees will not have to be covered by the petitioners, the chief judge of the Higher Regional Court Frankfurt recommended to agree with the settlement offer. Until the 30th of June 2022, the settlement will be submitted so that the suitors can decide whether to take the deal or not, eventually, everything depends on the vote of plaintiffs. However, if the suit will be prolonged, it is possible that it will not come to an end in the next 5 to years. In retrospect, this suit shows, how unsuitable the current state of the “Kapitalanlegermusterverfahren” (KapMuG) is for such an incident, in comparison, in the USA Telekom settled after a mere 5 years for about 150 million dollars. The German association for protection of investors hopes, that this suit will be a signal for other major firms caught up in “KapMuG”s to approach the petitioners in order to settle more quickly than in the past. Written by: Tobias Bernhard Steiner Source: WiWo Der Beitrag Telekom Settled erschien zuerst auf akboerse.

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