T³ - TableTop Tournaments - Germany

The best location for tabletop tournaments in Central Europe.

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Miniature Madmen Mayhem 2024: Rules Pack

For the rules pack follow https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lhw7jmh7f0l90h9x0wzk7/Miniature-Madmen-Mayhem-29_09_2024-v2.pdf?rlkey=3vsbmow6m7s757jzapc7wf6dust=vhh8wpi8dl=0 (this link)

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Chamber of War - singles: Chamber of War - Rulepack

Rulepack available on below link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4p7zebvlpv0zco67ls13l/M3-AOS-Toernooi-25-aug-2025-v1.2.pdf?rlkey=w3mfuy0m6d5jl5so5i9j2tkdyst=sdnof4e5dl=0 Contact/questions: rafnoppen@hotmail.com

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T³: Server load issue [RESOLVED]

Unfortunately, our virus scanner went into the weekend a bit too early on Friday and this resulted in no more emails being sent. This in turn has led to the system becoming slower and slower and there were problems everywhere due to the load. We have now

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T³: Issue with PayPal payment

There seems to be an issue with our PayPal integration and the PayPal button is just doing nothing. You can use https://paypal.me/tabletop (paypal.me/tabletop) as a workaround. Please note you order number in the comment so that we can link your payment t

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Dantes inferno II: Rules missions

Here you can find the information, rules and missions for our tournament. The missions can change if the Pharia Nexus comes out on time. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m0_Usq-j49FG6tsx-Gl2-Z8x3TSF-COOz6nKssp1D50/edit?usp=sharing

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Operation: Farewell V2: Operation: Farewell V2 - Rulepack

Rulepack available on below link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nf95b7x05mxfmee89d6h4/M3-Bolt-Action-15-sept-2024-Farewell-V2-Rulepack-v1.0.pdf?rlkey=kr7l2yh26i1tzkl3mr98rffg7st=cum3g0jzdl=0 Contact/questions: m3tournaments@outlook.com

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The Old World - Toernooi: Rulepack online

De rulepack staat hier: http://www.tabletoptournaments.net/t3_tournament_rules.php?type=0tid=36120 (https://www.tabletoptournaments.net/be/t3_tournament_rules.php?type=0tid=36120) Het indienen van legerlijsten doen we niet langer per mail, maar via Newre

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The Old World - Toernooi: Enkel nog inschrijven via Newrecruit

Om de organisatie van het toernooi te verbeteren zetten we de inschrijvingen via T3 stop. Er kan enkel nog ingeschreven worden via Newrecruit: https://www.newrecruit.eu/app/tournydetails/details?id=66c632e810af5112130e7658 LET OP!!! Enkel de inschrijving

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Dantes inferno II: Missionpack updated, Payment open

Dear players We have updated our missions according to the latest mission deck. You can find the updated mission pack via this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19_TVZj9wNhP1lOxXlX3By_uuoaPGNeZAeHb824hhTVg/edit?usp=sharing The rulespack with upda

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T³: Server issues resolved

Due to emergency maintenance before Easter, we were unfortunately unavailable for a few hours and a few problems persisted over the weekend, which prevented the creation of new accounts or tournaments, among other things. Due to vacations, the problems c

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T³: Tournament Awards 2019

Due to the current sitation and the impact on T³ it took some time to get back on board. Were happy to finally annouce the best events from 2019. http://www.tabletoptournaments.net/hallofame#2019 (To the awards...)

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T³: Reduced German VAT

To alleviate the consequences of Corona, Germany has decided to reduce the value added tax for half a year. This should put a little more money into the wallets of the population. After some back and forth and talking with our tax consultant, a small det

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T³: June news summary

Sign of life With the situation slowly relaxing, the first tournaments are going online again and we are bringing the support back up. During the last weeks we had to keep it on low flame, because more important things were pending and T³ effectively gen

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T³: T³ and Covid-19

Dear valued tabletop community, these are hard and sad times for the world, the community and each single person around. Our beloved hobby got hit hard and almost every planned event in the past and upcoming weeks got cancelled. Some requests may have ta

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T³: No new Premium accounts until March, 1st - Update 2

Due to technical reasons were currently not able to offer new Premium accounts until 1st September. Youre able to create new events without the Premium state and those will be converted automatically as soon as you get a Premium account when our system is

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