Dantes inferno II: Missionpack updated, Payment open

Dear players We have updated our missions according to the latest mission deck. You can find the updated mission pack via this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19_TVZj9wNhP1lOxXlX3By_uuoaPGNeZAeHb824hhTVg/edit?usp=sharing The rulespack with updated missions is accessible via following link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m0_Usq-j49FG6tsx-Gl2-Z8x3TSF-COOz6nKssp1D50/edit?usp=sharing Payment is open from now on. You can send the charge of 35EUR to following bankaccount: BE11 7795 9879 2148 with following notification: Firstname-Lastname-Dantes inferno II We hope to see you all soon at our tournament Kind regards Team Discard Reality

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Dantes inferno II: Rules missions

Here you can find the information, rules and missions for our tournament. The missions can change if the Pharia Nexus comes out on time. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m0_Usq-j49FG6tsx-Gl2-Z8x3TSF-COOz6nKssp1D50/edit?usp=sharing

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