T³: Issue with PayPal payment

There seems to be an issue with our PayPal integration and the PayPal button is just doing nothing. You can use https://paypal.me/tabletop (paypal.me/tabletop) as a workaround. Please note you order number in the comment so that we can link your payment to your order. Were looking into the issue asap.

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Payment im E-Business - Integration in SAP Commerce Cloud und commercetools

Nicht nur durch das aufkommende „as-a-Service“-Zeitalter wachsen die Anforderungen an eine saubere Integration der nötigen Bezahlung von Waren und Dienstleistungen im Online-Handel. Bereits seit Jahren entstehen immer neue Zahlungsarten mit mehr oder weni

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Dantes inferno II: Missionpack updated, Payment open

Dear players We have updated our missions according to the latest mission deck. You can find the updated mission pack via this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19_TVZj9wNhP1lOxXlX3By_uuoaPGNeZAeHb824hhTVg/edit?usp=sharing The rulespack with upda

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Planetary crises and post-growth organizing

tl;dr: special issue on key principles for a sustainable future: frugal abundance, conviviality, care, and open relocalization.  Envisioning a post-COVID 19 world where societies and organizations can flourish without growth is one of the most difficult t

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The Sabre Breach: What we can learn from large-scale backend systems

Gathering control over large-scale backend systems is a tempting achievement for criminals. Especially, if these systems collect and process payment data. These systems have to be (and are being) protected by a multitude of defensive measures to keep crim

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B2B-Handel: Worauf Sie bei Zahlungen achten müssen

In-App-Sonderangebote, Post-Purchase-Care oder jetzt bestellen, später zahlen: Der Bezahlvorgang im Konsumenten-E-Commerce geht längst über die bloße Abwicklung monetärer Transaktionen hinaus. Und auch Geschäftskunden stellen mittlerweile immer größere An

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