Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden

About myself I am a professor for Secure Software Engineering at the Heinz Nixrodf Institute of Paderborn University  and co-director of the Fraunhofer…

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Prof. Bodden interviewed on WDR radio

This week, Prof. Bodden was interviewed by WDR radio regarding an idea put forward by the social-democrat party (SPD) to hold companies liable if they sell insecure software. You can listen to the full interview here (in German). https://wdrmedien-a.akama

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Join our research group as a Doctoral Student or PostDoc!

We are currently looking for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to complement our research group at Paderborn university. For further information, please consult our previous announcement here. As stated, please direct your applications to se-jobs.cs@u

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Steven Arzt and Siegfried Rasthofer win Dissertation Award of the Ernst Denert Foundation

Once a year, the Ernst Denert Foundation (by Ernst Denert, one of the founders of sd&m, now Capgemini), sponsors the Software Engineering award, which is given out at the SE conference by the Gesellschaft für Informatik. Usually, this award is given o

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Siegfried Rasthofer wins Fraunhofer IuK Dissertation Award

At the GI Jahrestagung in Chemnitz, my former Ph.D. Student Siegfried Rasthofer (now research group leader at Fraunhofer SIT) will be awarded the Dissertation Award by the Fraunhofer IuK Verbund, for this thesis Improving Mobile-Malware Investigations wit

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Looking for Research Group Leader in Software Engineering

At Fraunhofer IEM we are currently looking for a research group leader within our Software Engineering division. German language skills are required. Find more information here Cross-posted from Secure Software Engineering

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New paper on Just-in-time Code Analysis

In a collaborative effort with Karim Ali (University of Alberta), Ben Livshits (Imperial College London), Justin Smith and Emerson Murphy-Hill (North Caroline State University), my Ph.D. student Lisa Nguyen and myself have just concluded a new piece of re

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The Sabre Breach: What we can learn from large-scale backend systems

Gathering control over large-scale backend systems is a tempting achievement for criminals. Especially, if these systems collect and process payment data. These systems have to be (and are being) protected by a multitude of defensive measures to keep crim

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Official inauguration of Fraunhofer IEM

Today we were very happy to host NRWs minister of science Svenja Schulze and Fraunhofers Director of Science Dr. Raoul Klingner for the official inauguration of Fraunhofer IEM. The new institute is the first to be founded within NRW within the past 20 yea

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IEEE SP Paper on Hardening the Java Runtime is now available

Our new S&P paper Hardening Java’s Access Control by Abolishing Implicit Privilege Elevation is now available online. It is a follow-up work to our previous CCS16 paper An In-Depth Study of More Than Ten Years of Java Exploitation. In this former pape

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New Paper “The Soot-based Toolchain For Analyzing Android Apps”

Steven, Siegfried and I have just completed our invited paper for MOBILESoft17. The paper The Soot-based Toolchain For Analyzing Android Apps summarizes for the first time the Soot-based tool chain for analyzing Android apps that we have built up over the

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