Steven Arzt and Siegfried Rasthofer win Dissertation Award of the Ernst Denert Foundation

Once a year, the Ernst Denert Foundation (by Ernst Denert, one of the founders of sd&m, now Capgemini), sponsors the Software Engineering award, which is given out at the SE conference by the Gesellschaft für Informatik. Usually, this award is given out to a single individual for her or his dissertation. Just this year, the choice was apparently particularly hard to make: two theses really stood out so much that the jury was unable to decide among them. In result, I am more than happy to announce that both my former Ph.D. students Steven Arzt and Siegfried Rasthofer have been chosen to receive the award for 2018. Congratulations Steven and Siegfried! Well done! You can access their theses here: Improving Mobile-Malware Investigations with Static and Dynamic Code Analysis Techniques (Siegfried Rashofer), PhD thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2016. Awarded: Summa cum laude & Fraunhofer IuK Dissertation Award [bib] [pdf] Static Data Flow Analysis for Android Applications (Steven Arzt), PhD thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2016. Awarded: Summa cum laude [bib] [pdf] Cross-posted from Secure Software Engineering

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