Join our research group as a Doctoral Student or PostDoc!

We are currently looking for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to complement our research group at Paderborn university. For further information, please consult our previous announcement here. As stated, please direct your applications to For the doctoral level, we encourage you to apply if you have completed your Master degree in either computer science, mathematics, engineering or any related field of study. At the post-doctoral level, we are particularly looking for candidates with a proven track record (at least two papers at very reputable venues) in any of those subject areas: Static and/or dynamic program analysis Software Security Systems Security Applied (!) cryptography and/or cryptanalysis Cross-posted from Secure Software Engineering

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Looking for Research Group Leader in Software Engineering

At Fraunhofer IEM we are currently looking for a research group leader within our Software Engineering division. German language skills are required. Find more information here Cross-posted from Secure Software Engineering

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Siegfried Rasthofer wins Fraunhofer IuK Dissertation Award

At the GI Jahrestagung in Chemnitz, my former Ph.D. Student Siegfried Rasthofer (now research group leader at Fraunhofer SIT) will be awarded the Dissertation Award by the Fraunhofer IuK Verbund, for this thesis Improving Mobile-Malware Investigations wit

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Emerett release party!

Emerett release party - March 20th & 21st! Speaking of parties, we are hosting a HUGE one in my Facebook group,

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Neuer Kunde: Zufall logistics group

Wir freuen uns, mit der Zufall logisitcs group in Göttingen einen weiteren Kunden im Transport- und Logistikbereich gewonnen zu haben. Die Zufall logisitcs group hat die AWP mit der Implementierung des workflowbasierten Dokumentenmanagementsystems enaio® 

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Ist Temperatur zu 55% für Ausfälle von Elektronik verantwortlich?

Wissen Sie woher diese Art Abbildung wirklich herkommt? Wenn Sie es wissen wollen, schreiben Sie bitte eine email an Der Beitrag Ist Temperatur zu 55% für Ausfälle von Elektronik verantwortlich? erschien zuerst auf ADAM Research.

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