Planetary crises and post-growth organizing

tl;dr: special issue on key principles for a sustainable future: frugal abundance, conviviality, care, and open relocalization.  Envisioning a post-COVID 19 world where societies and organizations can flourish without growth is one of the most difficult tasks facing scholars from all disciplines. This is especially true for those of us who work in management and organization studies, where the status quo assumption remains fixed on economic growth and profit maximization. Together with my colleagues Bobby Banerjee, John Jermier, Ana Maria Peredo, and Robert Perey, we approached this challenge putting together a special issue with ORGANIZATION (SAGE) on Theoretical perspectives on organizations and organizing in a post-growth era. Read more

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Hacking growth!

tl;dr Recapture the concept of growth by reformulating it as ecological growth, containing expansion and contraction, and a clear focus on ecosystem regeneration A very long time ago, in the autumn of 2022, Liz Truss was briefly Prime Minister of the Unit

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Regeneration as a New Economic Policy Paradigm

tl;dr: Regeneration is a forward-looking paradigm focused on increasing  the evolutionary ability of social-ecological systems by including everyone and everything that matters for a viable society In 2022, Earth Overshoot Day for North America came in Ma

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Personalization: 5 Top Tips for Driving Growth

See how successful companies use personalization to support demand generation and build better engagement with customers.

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Driving Growth in 2023: How IT Professionals Can Do More With Less

With economic conditions impacting organizations worldwide, IT professionals still have big opportunities to modernize business operations without breaking the bank.

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Sea Sun Technology participates on EGU General Assembly – 23-28. April 2023 in Vienna

We present our latest development of a towed instrument array together with our CDT- and Microstructure-Probes at the European Geoscience Union. The EGU General Assembly 2023 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering al

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