German monthly inflation rate increases up to 4.1 %

Since the beginning of this year, the monthly inflation rate is permanently going upwards and reached a historical high in September with 4.1% as first assumptions indicate. The last time that such a tremendous price increase occurred in Germany, was in December of 1993, shortly after the German reunification, where the monthly inflation rate reached even 4.3%. This tendency was also noted in many other European countries, such as Spain or France where the average lift in prices was about 4% and 2.7% this month in comparison to September of last year. One aspect that majorly contributed to this development is the significantly increasing energy price which is approximately 14.3% higher than last year, but also nourishments prices had an impact on the high inflation rate by a price increase of 4.9%. In comparison to that there were just slight price rises in provided services (2.5%) or rent expenses (1.4%). This general development was already expected by many economists and is mainly caused by the effects of the Corona Crisis. For example the retraction of the betterment tax decrease or Supply Bottlenecks majorly influenced this inflation tendency as well as the increased Carbon dioxide price in Germany and the oil price which drastically decreased 2020 due to the global pandemic and is now getting back to normal. While many economists rather expect the inflation rate to decrease to a normal level within 2022, others assume it to stay that high due to costs regarding climate protection and second-round effects as a reaction to earlier price increases. However, this would only be possible if average wages significantly rose as well as otherwise the demand would decrease and hence inflation as well.. Nevertheless, this scenario seems rather unlikely, and the risk of an upcoming wage-price spiral appears to be limited. Written by: Thomas Hoffjan Source: Handelsblatt Der Beitrag German monthly inflation rate increases up to 4.1 % erschien zuerst auf akboerse.

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