freeshell is on holiday. Support is back on Aug 1st. Take care!

freeshell is on holiday. Support is back on Aug 1st. Take care!

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roundcube v1.2 released

RoundCube v1.2 got released. I already updated it on the system. Major news? Two types of GPG support! Link:

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Whimsy Wonderland Let’s bring Whimsy Light to the Darker Winter Months and celebrate the Season!

Whimsy Wonderland is open for Registration now Sometimes the holiday months can get so dark and gloomy, right? This is why my friend Tam from Willowing Arts thought it would be super fun to run a joyful, whimsical, fun and light arts & crafts cours

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ei care-Höfe sind Naturland Fair zertifiziert

Alle ei care-Höfe sind Naturland Fair zertifiziert. Das Zertifikat schließt den sozialen Umgang mit Menschen, die im Betrieb leben und arbeiten mit ein. Das zeigt: bei ei care geht es auch um ein stimmiges Konzept, das ökologische Erzeugung, soziale Fakto

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More storage / quota raise

I just doubled your quotas. Your home-directory now has 512MB softlimit and 2GB in the freeshell-owncloud. Enjoy and happy holidays. I also updated owncloud to v8.2.1 incl. the unix user backend for auth.

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Suntem în prag de încheiere a anului 2020, un an dificil care ne-a schimbat fiecăruia dintre noi percepia despre viaă, despre lumea în care trăim, despre grija pe care trebuie să ne-o purtăm unii altora i despre ce înseamnă bucuria libertăii.

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