Handling Errors and Retries in StepFunctions

“Everything fails all the time” has been preached to us by Werner Vogels for a few years now. Every engineer working on building and maintaining systems knows this to be true. Distributed systems come with their own kind of challenges, and one of the AWS services that help deal with those is AWS Step Functions. AWS Step Functions allow you to describe workflows as JSON and will execute those workflows for you. In this blog, we’ll explore what happens when things inevitably go wrong and the options the service offers to perform error handling and retries using an example application.

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Build Golden AMIs with Packer and AWS CodePipeline

When leveraging AWS services such as EC2, ECS, or EKS, achieving standardized and automated image creation and configuration is essential for securely managing workloads at scale. The concept of a Golden AMI is often used in this context. Golden AMIs repr

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Use the CDK to trigger your Lambda function in sub-minute intervals

In this post I’ll show you how to trigger your Lambda functions in intervals smaller than a minute using StepFunctions and the CDK.

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On-Prem Airflow to MWAA

Transforming large amounts of data into formats that help solve business problems is what data engineers excel at. A combination of Serverless tools such as Athena, StepFunctions, Lambda, or Glue can get the job done in many projects. However, some custom

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Your benefit: factory assembly

An essential part of our project handling is the factory pre-assembly of our machines. In both our Separation and Paper Technology divisions, the equipment to be delivered is assembled and tested before delivery. This saves time on site during final assem

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Solving Hive Partition Schema Mismatch Errors in Athena

Working with CSV files and Big Data tools such as AWS Glue and Athena can lead to interesting challenges. In this blog I will explain to you how to solve a particular problem that I encountered in a project - the HIVE_PARTITION_SCHEMA_MISMATCH.

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