
We will be on holidays from 23.12.2022 until 08.01.2023. From Monday, 09.01.2023 we will be back for you. In urgent cases, please send a message to or leave a message on our voicemail. We will not send any articles during this period, please kindly take notice of this.

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Is Back to School Mum-titlement Dividing Your Workplace?

Were all used to the scramble for annual leave during school holidays. As frazzled parents do their best to eke out their holidays to juggle six weeks of no school their colleagues are usually understanding and happy to switch their time off to pre or pos

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Christmas time

AVAtec wishes you and your families a Merry Christmas! We say goodbye from 23.12.2022-08.01.2023 into the company holidays and thank our customers, suppliers, employees and their families for the great cooperation! Your Avatec Team!

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Struggling With Post Summer Debt? We Count the Cost of the Kids Being Off School

Its September. The schools are back and halloween feels imminent. The air has the overwhelming feeling of new beginnings, a semblance of a new year and a fresh start. Post first day school drop off and obligatory front door photo, I head to the coffee sho

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Discover 9 Secrets on How to Create a Serene, Slow Living Christmas Interior

The holiday season! This festive time of twinkle and glitter transforms our homes into magical spaces that shimmer with lights and exude warmth, love, and creativity. In this interior designers article, discover slow living a relaxing lifestyle and desig

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Greenwashing als Reputationsproblem – Wenn Desinformation auf aufgeklärten Mainstream trifft

Bio-Siegel, Demeter, FSC, Haltungsform-Kennzeichnung, Fairwear, Green Holidays… –nachhaltiger Konsum kommt in verschiedenen Gewändern. Und auch über die Siegel hinaus, überbieten sich Unternehmen mit Produktversprechen, wenn es um Nachhaltigkeit und Klima

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