Honeycode changed my mind about no-code

Most enterprises largely run on Excel. Imagine there was a tool that empowers spreadsheet specialists to build web and mobile apps without writing code. Amazon Honeycode tries to do that. We’ll explore if it’s as powerful as it sounds.

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Scheduling dev.to posts with Honeycode

I explain how I built an app that uses Honeycode and an API Gateway backed by a Lambda Function to schedule my blog posts on dev.to.

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Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 1)

While Infrastructure-as-Code slowly becomes omnipresent, many of the communicated advantages of the approach stay mostly unrealized. Sure, code style checks (linting) and even automated documentation get more common every month. But one of the cornerstone

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A new simple approach to diagram as code on AWS with CDK and D2

A diagram should convey a clear message about the intention of the architecture. For this message, you only need a few primary resources. Most generated diagrams are overloaded. This new app generates a diagram as code from your annotations in the CDK cod

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Test-Kitchen on AWS (2022 edition)

Test-Kitchen is a tool to manage your test machine lifecycle, similar to HashiCorp Vagrant. While it has been developed with Chef in mind, it can be used with any development tool to test on new machines every time you change your code. As this tool conti

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Low-Code im Unternehmen einführen: Tipps für den erfolgreichen Start

Low-Code und No-Code Plattformen erfreuen sich immer größerer Beliebtheit. Dies ist nicht verwunderlich, denn in Zeiten von Fachkräftemangel und dem dringlichen Ruf nach digitaler Transformation, bieten diese Plattformen eine einfache Möglichkeit, um schn

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