Scheduling posts with Honeycode

I explain how I built an app that uses Honeycode and an API Gateway backed by a Lambda Function to schedule my blog posts on

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Honeycode changed my mind about no-code

Most enterprises largely run on Excel. Imagine there was a tool that empowers spreadsheet specialists to build web and mobile apps without writing code. Amazon Honeycode tries to do that. We’ll explore if it’s as powerful as it sounds.

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Replace Local Cronjobs with EventBridge/SSM

Every machine has recurring tasks. Backups, updates, runs of configuration management software like Chef, small scripts, … But one of the problems in a cloud environment is visibility. Instead of scheduling dozens of cron jobs or tasks per instance

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Routesetting im Juni

Wo und wann wir im Juni für euch schrauben könnt ihr wie immer in unseren Posts oder auf unserer Website nachlesen. Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Projektieren. Euer BLOCKteam

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Implementing and deploying Custom Resources using CDK

CDK doesn’t offer every type of resource by default. Custom Resources allow us to overcome this limitation. Anything that can be created within a Lambda function, can be deployed as a Custom Resource, with its lifecycle being managed by CDK/CloudFor

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Chef Interactive

As you probably are aware, Chef is a tool which is meant for automatic provisioning and configuring of systems. So if you have a particular problem falling outside of the regular use cases, both posts on the internet and support enquiries of any kind will

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