It´s Lasertag again!

Following our weekly meeting last week, we had our first Members Event for this semester. As it became a tradtition we went to Neckarstadt to play Lasertag again. After we arrived there and changed our clothes (it is advisable to wear black clothes you are easily spotted with lighter clothes), we started with a short delay into a funny competition. We had to show our skills in teams in a dark room filled with walls and obstacles. The action techno beats hammered out of the loudspeakers. It was difficult not to shoot down or overrun your own team members. Not everyone succeeded in that! I was one of them. In the end I had only a few plus points more than minus points. Quite in contrast to the best of us. But nevertheless, playing Lasertag is a lot of fun and is especially suitable as a teambuilding measure, but you also learn a lot about tactical thinking and how to communicate non-verbally. Text: Yannick Haas Der Beitrag It´s Lasertag again! erschien zuerst auf AEGEE-Mannheim.

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Our trip to Eindhoven

As part of an exchange AEGEE-Eindhoven visited us in late October. During the 16th of November and the 19th of November we switched roles and went to visit them during the internationally known Glow Festival along with members from other antennae througho

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