Startseite | AEGEE-Mannheim

AEGEE, gegründet 1985, ist eine der größten internationalen Studierendenorganisiationen. Wir streben nach einem vielfältigen und vernetztem Europa. In Mannheim ist AEGEE seit 1998 vertreten.

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Our trip to Eindhoven

As part of an exchange AEGEE-Eindhoven visited us in late October. During the 16th of November and the 19th of November we switched roles and went to visit them during the internationally known Glow Festival along with members from other antennae througho

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Building Bridges into the Migrationside of Europe Network Meeting Gaziantep

The NWM in Gaziantep was a great success! It took place from the 18th to the 22nd of October and we had everything: A nice hotel, delicious Turkish food (every time in a restaurant) and interesting workshop and sessions (everything for only a 30€ particip

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New Board for FSS19

On our main assembly last Wednesday we elected a new board for the upcoming semester starting on the 1st of Februar 2019. Prepare yourselves, we have great things planned! Der

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Main Assembly and new Board for the Spring Semester 2018

On Wednesday we had our Main Assemby where had a look back on the Fall Semester full of events and activities. The semester started with the Summer University which we organized together with AEGEE-Heidelberg. It was a huge success. As a participant said:

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It´s Lasertag again!

Following our weekly meeting last week, we had our first Members Event for this semester. As it became a tradtition we went to Neckarstadt to play Lasertag again. After we arrived there and changed our clothes (it is advisable to wear black clothes you a

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Welcome Reception

Thanks to all of you, who visited us at the Welcome Reception! We really enjoyed speaking with you. In case you missed our short presentation you can download it here:

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The new Website is online!

As you are currently reading this article youve already seen it: Our fancy new website is online! From now on you can find all important information regarding AEGEE-Mannheim here in one place. You can look up our exciting activity plan for the next semest

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First Rhein-Neckar-Stammtisch of 2018 in Kaiserslautern

Last weekend the first Rhein-Neckar-Stammtisch of 2018 took place in Kaiserslautern, in which AEGEE-Mannheim also participated with 4 members. The Rhein-Neckar-Stammtisch is always a great opportunity to speak about ones plans for the upcoming months, sha

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Back to the roots Network Meeting Ioannina

As one of the duties of my role as the External Responsible I always promote European Events to our members and remind them about deadlines. But once in a while I remind myself too. Also in this case. There was a Network Meeting in Ioannina popping up on

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Pre-Event Tbilisi and EPM Yerevan 2018

Before the EPM in Yerevan (the capital of Armenia), a pre-event in Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia) took place. From the 4th of March until the 7th of March, me and a bunch of AEGEEans discovered the impressive hospitable Tbilisi and its surroundings by a

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