Main Assembly and new Board for the Spring Semester 2018

On Wednesday we had our Main Assemby where had a look back on the Fall Semester full of events and activities. The semester started with the Summer University which we organized together with AEGEE-Heidelberg. It was a huge success. As a participant said: It was a truly unforgettable experience!. The semester continued with the AGORA, AEGEE-Europes Main Assembly, where we were represented by five of our members. Another highlight was the exchange with AEGEE-Eindhoven where we visited each other. Just to name a few. Last but not least we had the election of the new board. Except one every position in the board was up for election. The results turned out to be like this: President: Leonie Grauwinkel Secretary: Teresa Masih Treasurer: Franziska Meichelböck PR: Anna Süß Internal: Elisa Israel External: Yannick Haas Advisory Board: Jennifer Hiller Some of the board members are looking forward to their second term, while some of them just recently became active members, but they are all dedicated to make 2018 a successful year and an 20th anniversary well remembered! Stay tuned! Der Beitrag Main Assembly and new Board for the Spring Semester 2018 erschien zuerst auf AEGEE-Mannheim.

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New Board for FSS19

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