Java 9 Support

Java 9 Support Berlin, Sep 22, 2017 Because of the availability of Oracle Java 9 you should note that we support Java 9 only with the following upcoming versions: i-net Clear Reports 17.1 i-net HelpDesk 8.1 i-net PDFC 4.2 If you use a program version previous to the above versions, then do not update to Java 9.

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Announcement: End of Support for Java 11

Announcement: End of Support for Java 11 Berlin, Jul 11, 2023 The upcoming version 23.10 (October 2023) of i-net Clear Reports, i-net PDFC and i-net CoWork is expected to be the last version that supports: Java 11 The minimum system requirem

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i-net PDFC - New Release 23.10

i-net PDFC - New Release 23.10 Berlin, Oct 16, 2023 i-net software proudly announces the release 23.10 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes and some new features. Furthermore, this version will be the last to support Java version 11 on

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i-net Clear Reports - New Release 23.10

i-net Clear Reports - New Release 23.10 Berlin, Oct 16, 2023 i-net software proudly announces the release 23.10 of i-net Clear Reports. This release contains bug fixes and some new features. Furthermore, this version will be the last to support J

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Update: Sicherheitslücke in Java-Bibliothek Log4j (CVE-2021-44228)

Update: 16.12.2021 Das System enaio® ist weiterhin grundsätzlich sicher. Die Fremdkomponente Elasticsearch der Firma Intrafind weist jedoch nach aktueller Risikobewertung eine Sicherheitslücke auf und muss demnach aktualisiert werden. Dies gilt für unsere

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IEEE SP Paper on Hardening the Java Runtime is now available

Our new S&P paper Hardening Java’s Access Control by Abolishing Implicit Privilege Elevation is now available online. It is a follow-up work to our previous CCS16 paper An In-Depth Study of More Than Ten Years of Java Exploitation. In this former pape

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