MatriX vNext development update

There has not been a major release of the MatriX XMPP library for some month. I am working hard on the next major update and want to give a small summary on whats coming. There are some huge changes in the latest .NET releases. The effort to combine legacy .NET, Xamarin, MONO and netCore to one unified platform is super exciting. With the current netStandard version of MatriX vNext there are still some issues sometimes when MONO based platforms like Xamarin or Unity are targeted. There are still many corner cases where MONO behaves different than .NET. Updating to .NET 5 is an easy task, but at the same time I want to take the opportunity for a redesign of some internal components. And one of the major goals for the next release is support for WebAssembly projects with the Blazor framework. Blazor support is only possible with major changes in the networking stack and adding Websockets as a transport option. Here is a small summary on what coming with the next major MatriX vNext release update to .NET 5.0 remove DotNetty dependency and replace with custom networking code build better abstractions for networking code and build transports as plugins add WebSockets support WebAssembly support with Blazor framework better Xamarin iOS and Android support which comes more or less for free from the previous changes I made huge progress and have working tests client for Blazor WebAssembly. But the code still needs some cleanup and more integration and end 2 end tests. The source code and beta packages should be available on GitHub soon. Contact me when you are interested and need early access. Stay tuned

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MatriX vNext 2.0 released

we are thrilled to announce MatriX vNext 2.0 main changes in 2.0 are: minor API changes which force major version bump (semver) Direct TLS support (XEP-0368) netstandard 2.0 support new NameResolver wich allows to specify IP addresses of the XM

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XmppDotNet announcement

I want to announce the availability of the XmppDotNet XMPP library. XmppDotNet is the new name and next generation of our MatriX vNext XMPP library. Why changing the name? It was never intended to keep vNext in the name forever. And there is a lot

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XMPP websocket connection manager

For a new project I am working on (more to be announced) I was looking for a standalone websocket connection manager. Because still many public and private XMPP servers offer only the TCP transport or BOSH. There are already existing projects webso

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Introducing MatriX vNext

We are thrilled to announce the next generation of the MatriX XMPP libraries. 15 years elapsed already since we started our first .NET/c# XMPP library agsXMPP with .NET 1.0. Our XMPP libraries and the .NET technologies had many major evolutions over the

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Simpler code in handlers using pattern matching

The pattern matching feature which came with c# 7 can be very useful when writing XMPP stanza handlers with MatriX. The MatriX vNext handlers are using predicates to filter and match stanzas. Sometimes the predicates can get very complex and would

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