Medela Case Study

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The case of the missing bucket notifications

The case of the missing bucket notifications A few days ago I was trying to do something quite simple. I wanted to send S3 Put-Events to multiple Lambda functions for processing. This is a pretty common pattern. To implement it you have to use an architec

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Mocking data in Test Kitchen (Part 2)

Going beyond the easier use case of mocking attributes and databags, we sometimes want to fake some data about the system itself.

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The beating heart of SQS - of Heartbeats and Watchdogs

Using SQS as a queue to buffer tasks is probably the most common use case for the service. Things can get tricky if these tasks have a wide range of processing durations. Today, I will show you how to implement an SQS consumer that utilizes heartbeats to

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Why I had to update my mental model of DynamoDB streams

In a recent training I learned something about DynamoDB streams that surprised me. I had expected that any PutItem, UpdateItem or DeleteItem API call would cause a record to appear in the stream of my table, but that’s not the case. The stream works

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Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Solution Overview

Did you already encounter an application on EKS which does not perform well with EFS storage or which even needs dedicated block storage with multi-AZ capabilities? In this case, we have prepared something for you: We now support you with creating multi-A

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