Mocking data in Test Kitchen (Part 2)

Going beyond the easier use case of mocking attributes and databags, we sometimes want to fake some data about the system itself.

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Mocking data in Test Kitchen

The more complex your cookbooks, the bigger the need to supply some external information to your test machines. Passing specific attributes, values of databags or secrets for testing become necessary. We will go through these use cases and show how to moc

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Update your Style in Test Kitchen (Part 2)

It is time for a follow-up to my blog post from last year - especially as Test Kitchen 3.0 changed some defaults. Let’s check some cargo-culted settings out in this blog post.

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Testing Physical Machines with kitchen-static (Part 2)

Testing on Physical Machines - Part 2 After introducing how to work with physical machines and Test Kitchen last time, we will look at a feature to allow central orchestration of available machines.

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The kitchen-vcenter Driver

The kitchen-vcenter Driver While many companies already rely on some Cloud for all of their IT systems, bigger enterprise customers often have own data centers which consist of thousands of virtual machines. Under these circumstances, it is often not desi

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Test-Kitchen on AWS (2022 edition)

Test-Kitchen is a tool to manage your test machine lifecycle, similar to HashiCorp Vagrant. While it has been developed with Chef in mind, it can be used with any development tool to test on new machines every time you change your code. As this tool conti

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