Some of my paintings already exist as NFTs. Are you interested in more of my paintings as NFT? No problem, I ll be happy to create one upon request Click on the links below for more information including pricing: Blue Elephant Paradise? At the verge of dreamland I have now made some of my paintings available as NFTs (non fungible tokens). More will follow or be created specifically as digital art. This now allows you to choose whether you want to call the original, the digital asset or a Giclée = high-quality art print of my work your own. My previous NFTs are being sold as standalone assets, not associated with the original painting or any art print thereof. Of course, NFTs can also be linked to the original or an art print of it, so ownership is locked onto the blockchain. If you are interested in other NFTs, I look forward to your inquiry. An NFT can increase in value like physical objects, but they are much more accessible than physical works of art. However, NFTs do not replace the original artwork, but allow the buyer to own the work in the digital realm. They are separate entities. I am making some of my work available for NFTs as the digital realm is increasingly intertwined with the physical and this will be an exciting part of our future. The digital art market is exploding, the first NFTs have been auctioned at Christie s for millions, digital art galleries are springing up, the first museum for NFTs has just opened in the USA. Web 3.0, or the Metaverse, opens up unimagined new possibilities for presenting art, for networking, and for bringing artists and art lovers together. I am so positively excited about what is developing here and will be actively involved.

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NFT-Podcast mit Jasna Fritzi Bauer in 3D-Audio

In 'Billion Dollar Apes – Kunst, Gier, NFTs' nimmt Jasna Fritzi Bauer ihre Hörer mit in die Kryptowelt. Es geht darum, was bedeuten NFTs für Kunst bedeuten. Nicht nur dank 3D-Audio ist der Podcast eine spannende Reise.

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Meine NFTs

Einige meiner Gemälde gibt es bereits als NFTs. Haben Sie Interesse an weiteren meiner Gemälde als NFT? Kein Problem, erstelle ich gerne nach Absprache Klicke auf die Links unten, um weitere Informationen einschließlich der Preise anzuzeigen. Blauer

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Ozzy Osbourne announces “CryptoBatz” NFT collection

Ozzy Osbourne has announced his first collection of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), dubbed the ‘CryptoBatz’ collection. The iconic metal star created the NFTs himself and will launch the nearly 10,000-piece collection in January 2022. READ MORE:&

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System Of A Down’s Serj Tankian announces new virtual exhibition

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NFT im Weinmarketing

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