New YATA International Executive Board

On November 19th, 2022 the general assembly and elections of the executive board of YATA International took place in Berlin. YATA Germany Board Member and International Coordinator Mariam Kublashvili has run for the position of Vice President for Public Diplomacy. Mariam was unanimously elected by the delegates from the national YATA chapters and represents Germany on the international board. Thus new executive board of YATA International is complected as follows: Selin Yılmaz (YATA Turkey): President, Lilla Doucha (YATA Hungary): Executive Vice President, Ângelo Videira Dos Santos (YATA Spain): Secretary General, Iliana Petroulaki (YATA Greece): Vice President for Finance, Vanessa Vorteil (YATA Estonia): Vice President for Communication and Mariam Kublashvili (YATA Germany): Vice President for Public Diplomacy. We are greatful that Mariam is representing YATA Germany on the international YATA board and we wish her every success in her commitment.YATA was established during the Atlantic Treaty Association’s General Assembly held in Rome in 1996. Currently YATA International represents a network of about 30 YATA National Youth Organizations. Mariam KublashviliBoard Member, Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA) Germany; Projekt Managerin und ModeratorinMariam Kublashvili ist Projektleiterin im Europabereich und Moderatorin beim Verein „Diskutier Mit Mir“. Ihren Masterabschluss hat sie in Politikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Internationale Beziehungen an der Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg erworben. Arbeitserfahrung sammelte Mariam Kublashvili unter anderem bei der Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit und im Deutschen Bundestag. Sie ist Vizepräsidentin für Public Diplomacy im internationalen Vorstand von YATA und Vorstandsmitglied bei Junge DAG (YATA Germany).

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