Not for me, please! I choose to act green

A timely, universal and critical message conveyed through the voice of a young child. This beautifully written and illustrated story provides the perfect blend of courage and responsibility to convey the growing dangers of carelessness and waste, and how individual actions can make a difference. writes the author Darryl E. Green about Maria Godseys first children book Not for me, please! I choose to act green, illustrated by studio animanova. In this book you will meet little Luke who witnesses first-hand the damage caused to the environment. Reflecting on the effect of his actions on the planet he changes his ways and starts making choices that are more sustainable. Using his helpful phrase, “Not for me, please!”, he shares examples of choosing differently to act green. He demonstrates why plastic, waste and overconsumption are harmful and what you can do to impact this with the choices you make. Illustrating such an important book is a wonderful challenge. To depict the threatening waste scenario realistically I came up with the idea of collage. To emphasize contrast between happy and sad, deceptive and real I came up mixing photos (my neighbourhood clearly pictures the surrounding madness) with the imaginative, simplified hand-drawn world of our main character. Please explore by yourself: Not for me please! I choose to act green can be found here: self-published on amazon Der Beitrag Not for me, please! I choose to act green erschien zuerst auf studio animanova.

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