One Step Closer to IPv6

Over many years, we have now read warnings about the exhaustion of available IPv4 addresses. So far, there still seem to be ways and ideas on how to extend their lifetime (by approaching large organizations, using NAT, re-dedication of, and so on). Switching over to the much-dreaded IPv6 sounds easy, but even minor things can still cause problems. So what is the current state of AWS with this topic? And how did the landscape change during re:Invent 2021?

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Step functions and the source

Possibilities of using AWS Step Functions are widespread. Most times, filtering out the necessary content is done within Lambda Functions or other services. With this blog, I will show you how to prevent this within Lambda using in- and output filters in

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School is out, Tanzen in: Step by Step feiert Ferienbeginn auf der Schools out Party im Sportpark Hallbergmoos

Letzten Freitag war es wieder soweit: Der letzte Schultag in Bayern wurde seit der Coronapause erstmals wieder mit der berühmten Schools out Party im Sport- und Freizeitpark Hallbergmoos gefeiert. Und unsere Tänzerinnen von Step by Step waren natürlich mi

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Managing volatile Terraform Deployments with AWS CodeBuild and Step Functions

I was searching for an AWS-native solution that would deploy resources via Terraform, allow them to do some work, and then destroy them properly without leaving any orphaned resources. Also, multiple of those Terraform deployments needed to be live at the

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Handling Errors and Retries in StepFunctions

“Everything fails all the time” has been preached to us by Werner Vogels for a few years now. Every engineer working on building and maintaining systems knows this to be true. Distributed systems come with their own kind of challenges, and one

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Second stage of reconstruction at Angren Pack in Uzbekistan

Our long-term partner company Angren Pack, is one of the biggest paper mills in central Asia. Their PM is 4.250 mm width and max. speed is 400 mpm. Currently the product portfolio is Testliner, Fluting 80-360 gsm. In 2021 BCZ started SPL line for wastepap

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