Protobuf for IoT: Sending cost-optimized into the cloud (Part 2 of 4)

Protobuf is a great choice to transfer data from a IoT device into the cloud. This blog will show you what Protobuf is, how it can be used with C++ and Javascript and how to handle updates without breaking backwards compatibility. Continue reading Protobuf for IoT: Sending cost-optimized into the cloud (Part 2 of 4) at basysKom GmbH.

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How to consume Protobuf messages in Azure Functions (Part 3 of 4)

In the third part of our series, we show how Protobuf messages from the IoT Hub can be processed in Azure Functions. Continue reading How to consume Protobuf messages in Azure Functions (Part 3 of 4) at basysKom GmbH.

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What is Apache Avro compared to Protobuf

Apache Avro is a framework for data serialization by Apache Hadoop. It is mainly used in big data processing but how does it compare to protobuf? Lets take a look. Continue reading What is Apache Avro compared to Protobuf at basysKom GmbH.

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IoT: Getting started with cloud and modern IoT and IIoT from scratch

IoT and IIoT applications are special compared to other kinds of cloud applications as they have to deal with devices existing "outside" of data centers. The following series of articles provide an end-to-end overview of what Microsoft Azure offers to han

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IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service, bring your IoT Devices into the Cloud. (Part 4 of 4)

The Device Provisioning Service is a managed service running in the Azure cloud which supports automatic provisioning of IoT devices for IoT Hub. The following sections will give a short introduction to the most important features of the Device Provisioni

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Storage of QML defined properties explained (Part 1)

How much does a property you define in QML code cost in terms of memory?  Continue reading Storage of QML defined properties explained (Part 1) at basysKom GmbH.

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