After my first 2 years of undergrad study, I felt that I need to explore the world a little more. So I ended up spending a year abroad, out of which 9 months in Southeast Asia and 3 in Ireland. Finally, I finished writing my report about this most exciting time in my student life. The report is split into two parts: Part 1 is the official/academic part of the report that we had to write for our university. Here, I talk about my time as an exchange student at the National University of Singapore (NUS), the classes I took and some more practical tips. Part 2 is where I talk about the great experiences I had while backpacking Southeast Asia and during my internship in Ireland at the Google Dublin office. Unfortunately, the report (Erfahrungsbericht) is in German, but if you come from my university or can read a little German, it might help you decide where to go and what to do with your precious time as long as are still a student.
While preparing my PhD thesis defence in November this year, I was again and again faced with the conundrum of how to properly say thanks and pay respect to the people that have, in one way or the other, accompanied me on this PhD journey. As this is simp
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