The meaning of OM and the Mangala Mantra Yoga talk with Arvind Pare from Mysore

I am happy to announce that Arvind Pare from Mysore confirmed for a philosophy talk via Zoom about two interesting subjects: The meaning of OM and the Mangala Mantra (Ashtanga finishing mantra) Take the chance to listen to an experienced Vedanta teacher and learn more about Yoga. More informations about Arvind Pare you will find below. OM:“It’s meaning and significance“Om is the most important sound in the Veda, it is considered to be the sound with which the universe began. It is also a word with a meaning. It is glorified in many Upanishads and BhagavadGita, In Yoga Sutra, Patanjali confirms it to be the name of Ishwara (the Lord) and says that chanting of Om alongwith a contemplation on its meaning will surely make one a Buddha.Svasti Prajabhyah or the Mangala Mantra is a prayer for everyones well-being. It is an integral part of every vedic ritual. It is also always chanted in temples when a priest is performing a Puja (worship) to the lord. In Ashtanga Yoga tradition every yoga class ends with this mantra.Like it is with all prayers, this prayer too is packed with meaning. In this talk, we will take an in-depth look at this most well-known prayer Time: Sunday, october 29th 16:30 -17:30pmPrice: 25 Euro I 20 Euro for Flat students Registration: Please register via Email. Payment only after the Talk gets confirmed. About Arvind: Arvind Pare teaches Yoga Philosophy in Mysore. He lived in ashrams for 14 years learning Vedanta from his teacher Swami Dayananda Saraswati of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam. In this time Arvind Pare has studied Bhagavad-Gītā, Upaniṣads, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and several Vedānta texts. Arvind has masters degree in Engineering and Business Administration from USA where he spent 12 years. His effective use of language and adherence to traditional methods of teaching allows him to communicate most complex concepts to his students, who range from beginners to yoga teachers. The post The meaning of OM and the Mangala Mantra Yoga talk with Arvind Pare from Mysore appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga Mitte.

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