TrainIQA Workshop on Module 1 in Kuala Lumpur

From 20th to 24th February 2017, the participants of the second ASEAN-QA TrainIQA training came together for the first time in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The first workshop comprised presentations of international experts about quality in higher education, quality assurance and quality management systems in teaching and learning. The participants got an overview of the aims and the structure of the training programme, which will be completed in 2018 with a final conference. Moreover, the 32 participants coming from universities from nine different Southeast Asian countries developed their individual change projects that will be implemented in the context of the training at their home institutions.

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First TrainIQA Workshop in Kuala Lumpur

The first ASEAN-QA TrainIQA workshop took place from 23rd to 27th February 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The 32 participants of the training course do work within the quality assurance units at higher education institutions from nine different Southeast

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Second TrainIQA Workshop in Potsdam

The second ASEAN-QA TrainIQA workshop took place from 27th of July to 4th of August 2015 in Potsdam, Germany. The main topics of the workshop were tools and procedures for quality assurance in higher education institutions, with a focus on the different p

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Second TrainIQA Workshop 2017 in Potsdam

The second workshop of the current ASEAN-QA TrainIQA training took place from 24 July 2017 until 1 August 2017 in Potsdam, Germany. The workshop focused on the evaluation process and on method training as well as the individuell projects of the participan

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Third TrainIQA Workshop in Siem Reap, Cambodia 2017

The third workshop of the third ASEAN-QA TrainIQA cohort took place between 24 -28 October 2017 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The workshop focused on the quality assurance of study programmes and their conception. Among others the Participants learnt more abo

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Last Workshop of TrainIQA Phase III in Bangkok, Thailand 2018

The fourth and last workshop of ASEAN-QA TrainIQA Phase III took place from 19 March 2018 until 21 March 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. The main focus of the workshop was on quality assurance and the linkage to higher education management, as well as the wra

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